Moral stories in english

Moral Stories In English

Reading has a big impact on everyone, but kids especially. Children are taught life lessons through short moral tales imaginatively and enjoyably. Additionally, it teaches them how to recognize right from wrong and instills moral values at a young age. A story is a fantastic method to engage your children. The stories you read to yourself as a child are probably one of your first recollections. Most of the tales you heard as a youngster had morals. These are not the kinds of stories that are common in today’s media. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to tell your youngster these tales?

V Tell Tales is an interesting way to read, watch and develop your imagination with unique storylines that have meaning to them.

Stories and childhood

Children adore hearing tales. In actuality, we all adored it as children. Is it not? We all have great memories of hearing stories told to us when we were little by our parents and grandparents. Back in the day, while we were lying next to our nannies and dads, they would take us on a lovely journey during which fairies would grant wishes and animals would converse in human languages. We have listened with rapt attention as those tales were told to us by our elders, learning about the cunning of Vikram and Betaal, the courage of the Pandavas, and the greed of the guy with the golden eggs.

As we get older, we can see the significance of those moral tales and how, in a pretty straightforward way, they helped teach us to distinguish between good and evil when we were so little. We think that these tales have a significant impact on children’s conceptions of morality and ethics. Naturally, we would like these similar goals and values to be taught to our children; thus, it is crucial to start exposing them to such stories at a young age.

Building character with moral stories

The earliest method of education is transmitting knowledge through stories, which is still a widespread practice. It assists senior citizens in teaching younger generations crucial cultural and moral values. It forges connections with cultural identity and gives them advice on managing various circumstances.

  1. Helps children develop resilience

Life can be fairly perplexing to our children because of all its complicated turns and turns. While we can’t give kids a guide to life’s road, we can undoubtedly help them develop the resilience they need to deal with its ups and downs. Children’s moral development is aided by moral education through the development of ethics and values.

  1. Keeps kids from veering off the road of righteousness

Through moral stories, children learn the value of staying grounded and avoiding deviating from the straight road due to allures of greed, envy, or pride. We think it plays a crucial role in providing children with a value-rich environment, the benefits of which stick with them even as they age and navigate the world.

  1. Teaches children how to play a part in society

All of the instruction and guidance we give to our kids is intended to get them ready for their place in society in the future. A highly educated person who is a chronic liar will only garner mistrust and scorn from society; it is not only about the educational degrees or the positions. We instruct them on the morals they must uphold and the ideas that will help them become better people through the stories.

  1. Provides a means of avoiding negative influences

Children’s minds are especially susceptible during this time and continually absorb information from their surroundings. We think it’s even more crucial in this situation to share moral stories that teach children the difference between good and wrong. It prevents kids from succumbing to peer pressure or even absorbing bad environmental habits.

Developing imagination and creativity with V tell Tales

Children are intrigued by the actions and reactions of the characters. A fantastic narrative enables them to consider what transpired and what they would do in a similar circumstance. Children learn what behaviors are appropriate and what behaviors they should avoid.

As youngsters develop their language and literacy, stories are a terrific tool for fostering their innate inventiveness. Through imaginative storytelling, children can express themselves freely, expand their imaginations, and become more receptive to new ideas.

V Tell Tales is an innovative storytelling application for children and adults which helps tell stories. It assists you in using text, video, image, music, and gifs to express your message. You can write reviews, recipes, travelogues, fiction, non-fiction, and children’s stories using this app.

V tell tales helps children -;

  1. Strengthen memory and concentration
  2. Develops communication skills
  3. Enhance imagination and creativity
  4. Develops moral compass
  5. It helps develop empathy and all other sorts of emotions


Children can learn valuable lessons from moral stories about everything from culture and conduct to navigating challenging circumstances and discerning right from wrong. Instead of telling the children what is good and wrong straight through the story, the ideal stories would allow them to ponder and make that judgment. V Tell Tales is one of the best storytelling apps that helps enhance creativity through texts, pictures, videos, or gifs.

            Don’t forget to check new moral stories in multiple formats on V Tell Tales.

Download the app and read moral stories like:

  • The Elephant Circus
  • Two Giant Pandas
  • The Otter and The Birds

And much more..

Generating Story Ideas

Creative Stories – Generating Story Ideas

              Lots of creative content are seen online. I am sure a lot will come in the upcoming days. Readers are always looking for something new and creative. We are here with some points that will help you to grab and engage your audience with your new creative ideas. Let’s start our guide on generating story ideas for your stories.

The most challenging aspect of writing fiction is occasionally coming up with a plot premise. Finding topics to write about can be difficult because you want to write but don’t know where to start. In actuality, the writing style of many excellent stories makes them excellent. You may have heard the cynical claim that “everything has already been written”; nonetheless, many stories may be distilled into resembling narrative arcs.

Generating ideas for writing a story is an art that comes from great depths of creativity. It is not easy for anyone to write stories or develop an exciting and compelling storyline. Some people can write endless stories, but there are times when they lack ideas to write a story. Story writers often draw inspiration from real life and put their experiences into writing stories.

V Tell Tales is a unique storytelling app where you can explore your creativity through stories. It lets you innovate and experiment with ideas in different forms.

Steps to generating story idea

Narrowing down the genre you want to write is the first secret to developing topic ideas. You may find more information about various book genres, subgenres, and tropes here.

Consider the genres of books you enjoy reading or television programs you enjoy watching as another technique to generate ideas. Writing a book is more effortless when you are passionate about the subject. Since I don’t have a passion for either car racing or foreign battles, I would find it challenging to write about either. Keep the subject of your first story close to your heart. It will help you stay inspired.

The purpose of this exercise is to make something appear simple. Make a list of topics you like to discuss. Write down some of your interests and preferred topics to discuss with your pals on a piece of paper.

If you discover inspiration from TV shows, plays, movies, novels, an advertisement, or the news, you can come up with an idea.

Ways to enhance creativity

  1. Try to think outside the box
  2. Challenge your brain
  3. Read about non-typical things
  4. Start scribbling ideas
  5. Ask for collaboration
  6. Read books to get some ideas
  7. Watch movies in other languages
  8. Watch a play or skit
  9. Ask for your peer’s opinion
  10. Explore other domains
  11. Start a new hobby
  12. Take a break and resume with a better idea

Evolution of storytelling

Our grandparents told us bedtime stories when we were kids, and we slept happily with our little stories of wisdom. Growing up in an Indian family, there are fewer chances where you wouldn’t have heard about Ramayana and Mahabharat stories. Moreover, stories related to our religious beliefs differed in every household. On every occasion, we would hear folklores, and these stories would help us bond with our families even more. As we grew up, the mode of storytelling changed, but the sentiments remained intact.

  • Reading story books and magazines.

When we were little, we would read comic books, like Panchtantra and champak. Every child loved reading those stories from comics and reminiscing about those simpler times.

  • Listening to stories on the radio

Listening to the radio was our favorite pastime in our childhood. We enjoyed every time we got to hear stories from popular radio stations. Recurring storytelling programs were our favorite which featured every weekend.

  • Watching stories on tv

The invention of television transformed how entertainment was perceived by many. Children spent hours watching cartoon versions of Ramayana, Mahabharata, and short stories from Panchatantra. Some interesting moral storytelling shows like Malgudi days still make us smile.

  • Watching stories on phones

Technological advancements have changed our ways of listening and watching stories. We shifted to mobile phones to hear stories and watch our favorite programs.

  • Reading stories on apps.

Today’s generation uses various applications to read stories and watch stories online. We have come a long way in using gadgets, and now we can read any book on our devices without having to leave our houses.

  • Listening to audio storybooks

Now we can download any book, and instead of reading them, we can listen to them online.

  • Storytelling with V Tell Tales

As we advance in the storytelling journey, V Tell Tales is a fantastic revolution to transform the passive way of reading and listening to stories into a more active form. This app lets you express your stories in a more creative form that can resonate with today’s generation.

Generating story ideas with V Tell Tales

V tell tales is a storytelling app for people who enjoy telling their stories through various means. In childhood, we read books and get our dose of stories we like. Eventually, with technological advancement, gadgets transformed how we listened to stories. V tells Tales is a progressive way of storytelling through videos, pictures, gifs, audio, and text.

You can write your own stories and share them on the platform in the way you find perfect. To generate ideas for writing a story, you can take inspiration from the other work on the app.